Patient Trak

One of the biggest struggles that healthcare providers have is the back-end management of the patient journey. For fifteen years, PatientTrak has been helping healthcare organizations optimize their processes from the initial patient engagement through the care process and the final online review left by the patient.

While their website was producing great SEO numbers, it was stale and bloated with too many pages and content that only the algorithms were reading. They knew their online presence could be better. We partnered with PracticeTek to bring a more human-focused approach to the website design and the overall site map. After all, Websites are for your customers, not search engines.

We simplified the page menus and layouts and updated the site’s look with a modern look and great photos—all without sacrificing the vital SEO work done by the PatientTrak team.

Now PatientTrak has a great website that performs great for search engines and, more importantly, for their customers.

The work we completed on this project:

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Mobile Friendly Design
  • Content Audit
  • Content Writing

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